Monday, January 4, 2010

The Terrafugia Transition (Roadable Aircraft)

This bit of news has made the top 10 Green Tech Stories of the year and found it a pretty interesting read. If you go to Terrafugia's site (link below), you can see some video of the car/plane in action. Enjoy!
The Transition is a light sport, roadable aircraft under development by Terrafugia, a small start-up company based in Woburn, Massachusetts.

The Rotax 912S piston engine powered, carbon-fiber vehicle is planned to have a flight range of 400 nmi (460 mi; 740 km) using automotive grade unleaded gasoline and a cruising flight speed of 115 mph (100 kn; 185 km/h). It does not come with an autopilot.

On the highway, it can drive up to 65 miles per hour (105 km/h)[2] to keep up with traffic. The Transition Proof of Concept's folded dimensions of 6 ft 9 in (2.1 m) high, 6 ft 8 in (2.0 m) wide and 18 ft 9 in (5.7 m) long are designed to fit within a standard household garage. When operated as a car, the engine powers the front wheel drive. In flight, the engine drives a pusher propeller. The Transition's layout, with folding wings, pusher propeller and twin tail, is similar to experimental aircraft N8072 built by Dr. Lewis A. Jackson in Xenia, Indiana during the 1960s.

The experimental Transition Proof of Concept's first flight was successful and took place under FAA supervision at Plattsburgh International Airport in upstate New York using FAA tail number N302TF. First customer delivery, as of March 2009, is planned for 2011.

I read somewhere that the going price is $195,000 (US?).


Here's the link to the site (so you can order one....);

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