Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ALG: Automotive Depreciation Rankings for 2009 Vehicles

Alot of people wonder how brands stack up against eachother with regards to re-sale value. Here is a chart that compares just that, not just comparing brands but also comparing the individual vehicles. 5-stars are the best and 1-star is the worst.

5 Stars (above), these vehicles hold their value the best and depreciate the least.
4 stars (above), still hold their value exceptionally well, but obviously not as well as the 5's.
3 stars (above) these vehicles would be classed as 'average' resale, not too bad, not too great.
2 stars (above), below average, these cars do not hold their value very well at all.
1 star, terrible. Just plain terrible. Drop a stone off a bridge....


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